Nancy Campbell Academy International Private School of Canada

Unity in Diversity

Grades 7-12


About Us

At Nancy Campbell Academy, students develop a sense of purpose. Having a sense of purpose is fundamental to happiness and increases the capacity of the student to excel academically.

Every Student Has the Right to Be Tomorrow’s Leader

Nancy Campbell Academy is dedicated to providing a superior education by creating happiness through community service and academic excellence.

A Message From The Principal...

Gordon Naylor — Principal

“Nancy Campbell Academy students are critical thinkers and moral leaders who will make a positive change in the world. Our fundamental focus is advanced academics. Our fundamental difference is our foundation of nineteen leadership capabilities upon which our academic program stands. This foundation helps students realize their full potential and creates happiness while fostering a spirit of service to society.”

Mrs. Teresa Flanagan — Vice Principal

“The transformative capacity of a dedicated group of educators cannot be underestimated, nor can the proven impact of small-sized classrooms on learning and achievement be overstated. The impact of a consistent orientation to service is foundational to an individual’s well-being and happiness. At Nancy Campbell Academy, all of these elements blend together in a learning environment that supports academic excellence inspired by the arts and an outward-looking focus. A tightly-knit environment means no student is anonymous, and that every effort is made, from first light to evening, to nourish the mind, heart, and spirit of each student to be a conscientious leader of integrity, responsibility, and compassion.”

portrait photo of Kristin Schaefer

Mrs. Sonja Rowhani
Vice Principal, MSc.

portrait photo of Kristin Schaefer

Ms. Kristin Schaefer
Vice Principal, OCT

Registrar Office & Student Services

Cindy Wang

Guidance Counselor

Tel: +1 519-272-1900 Ext. 2
WeChat ID: CindyWangYuying
Wechat QR Code:

Corrin Grandmaitre

Clinical Counselor
B.S.S, B.E.D., C.G.C

Tel: +1 519-272-1900 Ext. 999

Nancy Elliott

Director of Student Placement
Registrar’s Office

Tel: +1 519-272-1900 Ext. 1
WhatsApp: +1 519-859-1997


Each member of our faculty and staff is committed to the education and development of every student. To that end, teachers and administrators regularly spend extra time with students-in-need, helping them master their studies, deal with personal matters and prepare for the next stage of their education. To learn more about each faculty member, please click on their photo.

Saba Vejdani

Sciences & Physical Education

The Visual & Fine Arts Department

Yarnell Ball

Melissa Quinn

Vanessa DeGroot

Laura Lee

Stratford Ontario Campus

Nancy Campbell Academy is a not-for-profit, boarding and day school located in the city of Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Graduates from Nancy Campbell are currently studying in well recognized and respected universities in Canada and around the world.

Aurora Campus

Nancy Campbell Academy is proud to open our new campus in Aurora, On. The Aurora campus is our second school with a separate Board School identification Number (BSID). It is our first of many day schools that we plan to expand across North America. Opening September 2019 Nancy Campbell’s Aurora Campus will offer classes from Grade 7- 12.

Stratford Ontario Campus

Nancy Campbell Academy is a not-for-profit boarding and day school for grades 7-12 located in the city of Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Graduates from Nancy Campbell are currently studying in well recognized and respected universities in Canada and around the world.

Is your student reaching their full potential?

Choose Happiness. Choose NCA.

Learn How to Choose Happiness.
Choose NCA.

We believe every student has the right to be one of tomorrow’s leaders. Nancy Campbell Academy students are critical thinkers and moral leaders who will make a positive change in the world.

About Us

Nancy Campbell Academy is dedicated to providing a superior education by creating happiness through community service and academic excellence.

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Free Reading Program

The Free Reading Program is a free online literacy program for children to improve their literacy through fundamental skills reinforcement activities.

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Our Curriculum

Nancy Campbell Academy provides Ontario ministry-certified education for grades 7-12 at our Stratford campus.

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Contact Us

Nancy Campbell Academy

Stratford, Ontario


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