Nós acreditamos que cada aluno tem o direito de ser um dos líderes do amanhã. Alunos da Nancy Campbell Academy são pensadores críticos e líderes morais que farão uma mudança positiva no mundo.
Graduates from Nancy Campbell are currently studying at numerous well-recognized and respected universities in Ontario, Canada and around the world. Many of our Alumni are actively involved in a variety of notable social and economic development projects, as well as service programmes globally, and most retain close ties with the school. At Nancy Campbell Academy students learn how to find purpose and choose happiness as a lifestyle. Ask to speak with our alumni about their experiences.
Choose Happiness Choose NCA
Formandos da Nancy Campbell estão estudando nas mais bem conceituadas e respeitadas universidades em Ontário, no Canadá, e ao redor do mundo. Muitos de nossos ex-alunos estão envolvidos ativamente em vários projetos sócio-econômicos notáveis, além de programas de contribuição globais, e muitos mantêm laços estreitos com a escola. Na Nancy Campbell Academy, os alunos aprendem a encontrar um propósito e escolher a felicidade como um estilo de vida. Peça para falar com nossos ex-alunos sobre suas experiências.
Escolha a felicidade. Escolha a NCA.
A Nancy Campbell education is an education with a world-embracing vision. Although Nancy Campbell is non-denominational, this vision is inspired by the Bahá’í Faith. A Bahá’í inspired education consists of moral education, the promotion of unity in diversity, the belief that men and women are equal, and that youth can move the world. It teaches that rectitude of conduct, trustworthiness, and honesty are essential elements in the foundation of stability and progress in the world.
Our staff and students come from a variety of religious and other belief systems, and people of all faiths, and of no faith, are equally respected and welcomed.
Nancy Campbell Academy is proud to open our new campus in Aurora, On. The Aurora campus is our second school with a separate Board School identification Number (BSID). It is our first of many day schools that we plan to expand across North America. Opening September 2019 Nancy Campbell’s Aurora Campus will offer classes from Grade 7- 12.
Since we opened our doors in 1993, Nancy Campbell Academy has grown tremendously. Our first campus is situated in the heart of beautiful Stratford, Ontario overlooking the Avon. With its historical buildings built in the 1920s, the campus has been renovated to offer students a bright and up-to-date learning environment. Nancy Campbell (Stratford Campus) offers classes from Grade 9-12 with both day-school and boarding options available.
Nancy Campbell Academy has partnered with Universities across Canada. Our graduates are sought after students who are welcomed to major universities. Pathways partnerships mean our students enjoy special privileges. For example, at Huron University College (crest) NCA students are eligible for the following benefits:
Unity in Diversity – Local and International Students participate in UN day.
The idea that our students are not just citizens of one country, but rather citizens of the whole world, is explored through our World Citizenship Curriculum. Classes focus on how to understand the world’s problems in a historical context, what it means to serve humanity and how to develop the skills needed to effect change. Students also learn to solve problems on a daily basis while being sensitive to different cultures and beliefs. When students learn to apply the Leadership Capabilities to problems in their own backyards, they can set their sights on achieving unity and finding solutions to problems on a global scale.
Our rich, empowering, action-orientated programme is based on the Ontario Ministry of Education’s curriculum. Students learn to incorporate our unique 19 Moral Capabilities™ into their studies and everyday lives, which prepare them to take active leadership roles in transforming their communities and the world.
Students at Nancy Campbell take one World Citizenship Curriculum course every year from grade 9 until graduation. In these courses, students discuss various scenarios in order to analyze a problem or situation, evaluate their own thought processes, and understand other perspectives. Students use their Moral Leadership Capabilities skill set to resolve issues in a fair and just manner.
Nancy Campbell Academy provides Ontario ministry-certified education for grades 9-12 at our Stratford campus and grades 7 – 12 at our Aurora day campus. We offer small classes with a ratio of no more than 15 students to 1 teacher. Many of our classes have 5 to 7 students. This means that your child will receive individual attention from the teacher in each of his or her classes.